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은지비닷컴 is a fanbase for Apink 정은지 Jeong Eun Ji and her fans:)

Please read the following notice befort you start looking around.



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PHOTO&CAM      ::  FAN Photos and Videos From EUNJIBEE

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SUPPORT            ::  Support projects by EUNJIBEE



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♬ Nickname


Prohibited nickname   :: 정은지(Jeong eunji), 은지비, eunjibee, 은지비닷컴, 은지b, eunjib, 에이핑크, 

                                      Apink, names of Apink members, special characters, nicknames related to other Idol groups



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 ♪ Please do not use EUNJIBEE's photos and videos for selling!!



If so, you will be kicked out with no other warnings.





E-MAIL       ::   eunjibee@naver.com
Twitter        ::   @eunjibee_com
instagram    ::   @eunjibee_com
Kakao        ::   @eunjibee_com
Weibo        ::   @EUNJIBEE
Youtube      ::   https://www.youtube.com/eunjibee​





List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
» ★Notice for International Fans V.1.03 은지비닷컴 2015.04.15 12437
공지 ★필독★ 은지비닷컴 이용안내 V1.03 43 은지비닷컴 2015.03.15 15475
25 [END] 2016 EUNJI's SOLO Debut & B-day SUPPORT 은지비닷컴 2016.03.19 10783
24 [END] 2017 EUNJIBEE Season Greeting 『CRUSH ON YOU』 은지비닷컴 2016.09.07 10908
23 [END] 2017 EUNJIBEE Season Greeting 『CRUSH ON YOU』 Additional order (~12/6) 은지비닷컴 2016.12.03 163489
22 [END] 2018 EUNJIBEE Season' Greeting 『Attirance』 은지비닷컴 2017.11.14 10126
21 [EN] 2019 EUNJIBEE Season' Greeting 『별꽃: STELLARIA』 은지비닷컴 2018.11.01 11383
20 [EN] 2020 EUNJIBEE SEASON' GREETING 『Pieces of Memory』 은지비닷컴 2019.09.23 91094
19 [KO] 2019 은지비닷컴 시즌그리팅 『별꽃: STELLARIA』 1 은지비닷컴 2018.11.01 8773
18 [KO] 2020 은지비닷컴 시즌그리팅 『Pieces of Memory』 은지비닷컴 2019.09.23 8321
17 [공 지] 2017 EUNJIBEE 시즌그리팅 『CRUSH ON YOU』 배송안내 (Delivery START) 은지비닷컴 2016.11.30 9568
16 [기부완료] 2018 시즌그리팅 『Attirance』 수익금 기부 완료 은지비닷컴 2018.03.10 8779
15 [마 감] 2017 EUNJIBEE 시즌그리팅 『CRUSH ON YOU』 은지비닷컴 2016.09.07 13179
14 [마 감] 정은지 1ST 솔로앨범 『DREAM』 공동구매 안내 3 은지비닷컴 2016.04.14 12000
13 [마 감] 2016 EUNJIBEE Calendar 『The moments』 Delivery Notice file 은지비닷컴 2015.12.09 10186
12 [마 감] 2016 EUNJIBEE Calendar 『The moments』 Purchase Notice <<Decided benefits!>> 은지비닷컴 2015.11.09 147905
11 [마 감] 2016 EUNJIBEE Calendar 『The moments』 공동구매 안내 <특전확정> 2 은지비닷컴 2015.11.09 13335
10 [마 감] 2016 EUNJIBEE 캘린더 배송완료 안내 ★ 4 file 은지비닷컴 2015.12.09 10328
9 [마 감] 2017 EUNJIBEE 시즌그리팅 『CRUSH ON YOU』 추가주문 안내 *12/6까지* 은지비닷컴 2016.12.03 12106
8 [마 감] 2018 은지비닷컴 시즌그리팅 『Attirance』 은지비닷컴 2017.11.14 12096
7 [마 감] EUNJI's 24TH Birthday SUPPORT 은지비닷컴 2016.06.02 10269
6 [마 감] 은지비 첫번째 포토북 『JUST THE WAY YOU ARE』 안내 은지비닷컴 2016.03.26 11088
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